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Messages - Proliant

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American Mastiff Discussions & Pictures / Re: Introducing Angus!
« on: November 21, 2005, 11:59:25 pm »
So far Goliath and I seem to have pretty similar likes and dislikes in people, so hopefully it will work out well. If he doesn't like my relatives then we will just be agreeing again ;D . I still think the average dog is smarter then the average person.

PS - Happy Birthday Gunther!

Goliath is gorgeous.  I absolutely love brindle mastiffs.  I just wanted to say happy birthday to him........... dane Gunther turned 1 on 11/12.

Please don't take any of this as being against Newf's. I am just trying to help my friend who wants an XL size water-dog (he lives on the beach here in Ft. Lauderdale). I have done quite bit of research and the health issues are hard to ignore, however I just wanted to here the good and bad from the owners. It is one of the things I love about this board.

I don't want to cause dissension about anyone's favorite breed ..... I'd love to meet a Newf, but I am trying to give my friend a good overall view of several different breeds.

BTW - Mastiffs have several common health issues as well, but you could never convince me to get any other dog for myself ..... we all love our babies!

Matthew and Goliath

Rottweiler Discussions / Re: I HATE people like this
« on: November 21, 2005, 11:13:33 pm »
I like to check out all kinds of stuff ..... reading makes life interesting and helps to make a more well rounded person. Therefore I enjoyed reading about SCH, but I wouldn't trade my love bunny for anything else.


"Ugly" is in the eye of the beholder.

I will never forget my aunt's dog Stubby. He looked like a little gremlin and only had 3 legs (he was found as a stray and just never left) but he was one of the sweetest dogs I ever met.

My condolances to the poor lady who had to put him down.

Matthew and Goliath

Rottweiler Discussions / Re: I HATE people like this
« on: November 21, 2005, 02:53:24 pm »
Those are really interesting links. It has taken me a while to read through the info there. I guess a truly well trained dog can be a real deterent to danger.


I like my dog as he is, but it is pretty cool to see what can be done with time care patience and training. I would say that this is not something for the average dog or owner.

Thanks for the info BabsT.


I had heard about the genetic problems. but I had hoped that these issues had been (pretty much) resolved. I would say that is a serious debit against the Newfs (I have been reading up as well). I had also heard about the loving personalities and I am glad to see that everyone here seems to agree about their friendlyness. I think that the health problems will disqualify this breed from consideration, its a shame.

I appreciate all of your input and please give all your babies a big hug from me and Goliath.


Rottweiler Discussions / Re: I HATE people like this
« on: November 21, 2005, 09:37:43 am »
I assume that a fully stable temperment is a prerequisite for SCH or PSA training. The dogs that this ..... well lets call him a man for the sake of argument .... has/is getting will certianly not be stable in any way after the kind of treatment they are likely to endure from him. Hopefully they will at least get fed correctly (but I wouldn't bet on it since he seems to be showing a complette lack of concern for the welfare of the dogs). It is just another reason to license the owners, not the dogs.

BabsT - do you have any links to information regarding SCH/PSA? I would find it interesting to read up and learn a little about how these dogs are selected, and the characteristic s that make them appropriate. I am quite sure that it would never be my cup of tea, but knowledge never hurts.


Rottweiler Discussions / Re: I HATE people like this
« on: November 20, 2005, 07:32:59 pm »
I think the key is properly trained by a professional ...... not like the fools we were talking about. BTW - those are mighty impressive pictures!


Rottweiler Discussions / Re: I HATE people like this
« on: November 20, 2005, 05:32:08 pm »
These people just dont get the idea that a properly socialized dog will protect them just as well, if not better then an attack dog. This is because they are attached to you .... not afraid of you. Most dogs are protective to one degree or another (not to be mistaken for agression), you just wont know it until there is a real reason for them to be protective. My 1 year old AM baby is as gentle as can be and all the neighbors and kids love him, but when we caught somone breaking into my house it was totally another story (it even scared me watching him because I though he would kill the man). This is how a properly socialized dog should react.

Matthew and Goliath

Rottweiler Discussions / Re: I HATE people like this
« on: November 20, 2005, 05:13:18 pm »

People like that are what give Pit-bulls, Rotts, etc .... a bad name. I have an American Mastiff and when I went down to Miami (about a 40 minute drive from Ft. Lauderdale - my home) I got pulled over and detained for 4 hours because the officer thought he was a pit-bull (they are banned in Dade county .... Miami) as a young (5 month old) pup. All of the trouble came about from people fighting the dogs and then dumping them when they were no longer useful. Maybe they are the ones who should be neutered .......

I have never met a bad dog, but I have met entirely too many bad owners!

Matthew and Goliath

Saint Bernard Pictures / Re: Gersh & Puppy Keg
« on: November 20, 2005, 04:21:14 pm »
Man ..... who could resist that! I will vote for that being the cutest picture I have seen this month.

Matthew and Goliath

Rare Breed Mastiff Discussions / Re: Rare Breed types & who owns them
« on: November 20, 2005, 04:02:22 pm »
That was his first birthday.

Rare Breed Mastiff Discussions / Re: Rare Breed types & who owns them
« on: November 20, 2005, 04:01:26 pm »
I have an American Mastiff named Goliath. I guess they are pretty rare. He has turned into the best dog (personality) I have ever had, and also pretty big (33" at the shoulder and 150 pounds on his birthday .... 11/13/05).

Matthew and Goliath

Old English Mastiff Discussions / Re: HOw many kinds of Mastiffs are there?
« on: November 20, 2005, 03:35:47 pm »
Yeah, I had some misgivings about a number of the choices to be labeled as mollosers, but I figured it was interesting anyway.


Hello All,
        I normally just stick to the mastiff discussions, but a friend (in the mistaken belief that I know EVERYTHING about big dogs) asked me about Newf's. His goal is to have a very large water dog. I don't think that AM's, OEM's, Bullmastiffs etc... fit the bill, but Newf's seem about right with me. He has 2 small children (5 and 7) so they need to be good with kids as well. I have never met a Newf so I can't really make a personal comment. Would you all be kind enough to tell me what you like most.least about Newfs?

Matthew and Goliath

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