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Messages - dufus

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Hi there,

alas they don't do half days.

They are nice people and she is lazy by nature, so this might do her some good.
I hope :)

Hi there,

i have been thinking Mon, Wed, Fri too - but then she would  be home a long time on her own - and longer than she could manage without going the bathroom.

Day care i think it must be.

The best thing really i think


One thing that bothers me a little is that as the end of the week comes around Day-z is getting tired and is less keen to go to daycare.

When she is at home with me she sleeps for maybe 22 hrs a day - really.  When she is at daycare she plays all day and is so excited to see me at the end of the day and then sleeps all the way home and all night.

I am kind of thinking that 5 days a week is too much for my big baby.  The crazy thing is she makes the other dogs play, i think they would be happier going for a sleep.  The dogs are taken for a 45 minute walk in the afternoons, and she only goes when it is not so hot, and sometimes for only 20 minutes - then she sleeps after that.  The rest of the time she is playing non stop.

I want to do the best thing for her, but alas i do have to go to work - so maybe i have to investigate options for her not going there 5 days a week.


Hi there,

i just wanted to see if anyone else took their Big Paw to Doggy Day care, as pretty much everyone i talk to thinks i am crazy for taking Day-z.  It costs me $25 a day and i drive her there and back, sometimes it is close to where i work, sometimes it is not.  The pluses are she has company all day and plays with the other dogs from 9 - 6, also she does not forget being house-broken, and she is tired at night when she gets home and it also seems now that she has fallen in love with a Pekinese boy (!).

If she did not go then she would be home alone for the day, which she is not used to.  My work situation may change so that i work closer to home and could come back at lunch time to take her out - this might work, but i am not sure that she would have so much fun.  People have suggested that i get her a friend - but i am not sure about this.  And, she prefers small dogs, but i would like a rescue medium or large footed friend.

Am interested to hear what you think.

She goes to and i can not recommend them enough.


Saint Bernard General Discussions / Re: Opinions please..
« on: March 14, 2006, 09:38:52 am »
Hi there,

I am at work and so cannot post updated pics of Day-z but we also have been faced with a similar issue.  In my case i think i was not feeding her quite enough.  This got sorted out by buying one of the cup sized scoops from the petstore and realizing how big a cup really was.

However, she had still been getting plenty of food - so please don't think i was starving her.

Her build is very similar to that of Bubba's though, and i agree that it is better for their hips.

Upping her food just by say half a cup though has filled her out a little and given us even more Bernard to love.

I feel your pain.....


Transporting & Traveling With Dogs / Re: Flying my Dane
« on: March 10, 2006, 09:17:32 am »
Hi there,

well I have not done this yet, but i have planned it.


you only have 2 approved carriers, British Airways or Virgin - this is the same as me from Miami.  For what it is worth i plan to fly Day-z to the UK from Miami on Virgin - but i think either carrier is OK.

We can't go until the end of June as Day-z blood test was only at the right level at the end of December.  I assume that you sent the blood to Kansas too.

Good luck.


Newfoundland Discussions / Re: At the end of my rope
« on: March 03, 2006, 04:01:27 pm »
Yup, i think your questions help others immensely.

When i first got Day-z I was in tears as she was so naughty - but once she knew who was boss then she developed into a wonderful and kind dog.  On day 2 though i contemplated driving her 800 miles bakc to her breeder.

And as for toilet training.....

American Mastiff Discussions & Pictures / Re: Otis the Mastiff
« on: February 28, 2006, 10:55:19 am »
I don't have much to add other than i really hope it works out for you guys and Otis - but i do know that i think that the power of craigslist and BPO is fantastic and thanks to everyone for helping spread the word on the plight of the big dogs.

If i can ever decide which country i will live in i will get Day-z a friend, but she seems to prefer small dogs for some reason, ah well....

I feed Day-z IAMS large breed puppy, and will do until she is 2 years old.  I have been very careful about what she eats as i am paranoid about her hips, but it turns out that my big baby is a little on the thin side.  So, we are upping the food a little and all seems to be going well.

I wish i had foudn this site when Day-z was a baby, as sometimes she was really hard work and everyone thought i was crazy.  Now though she is the most beautiful and kind thing that i have ever encountered and i am indeed besotted.

Saint Bernard General Discussions / Re: Zoey had to go to the vet today
« on: February 27, 2006, 01:26:44 pm »
Day-z will not let me cut her nails either, so she goes to the vet.  Four strong people are needed to hold her down - but it gets done and she is not too stressed.

However, last week i asked the people at her doggy day care to take her to their vets - and she came back with the best nail cut she has ever had.  Cost less than her own vets too.

So, someone can do it, i just need to find out how

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Re: Do You or Don't You
« on: February 27, 2006, 01:20:07 pm »
Nope,  Day-z is not allowed on the furniture or in the bed. She does now sleep upstairs on her own bed, actually she has never once tried to climb onto the bed.....

When we go out she has free run of the downstairs of the house, but never goes on the sofas.  So, it would seem that i did manage to train her to (not) do something.

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Re: Our trip to dog park
« on: January 22, 2006, 09:06:49 am »
I also am rapidly going off dog parks.

We usually have some Alpha unfixed dog trying to mount Day-z (who is fixed) or some nasty dog trying to bite her or some over dressed woman telling Day-z to go away as she is being friendly but possibly is drooling a little.

I love the idea of the dog park, but the reality is sometimes not so great.

Dufus and Day-z xxxxxx

Saint Bernard General Discussions / Re: how long...?
« on: January 17, 2006, 01:20:37 pm »
Hey guys,

There is no way that Saints are not smart.  1) I am biassed but 2) Day-z does smart things all day long.  They are stubborn though.

I thought that Day-z would never get the hang of toilet training, but she did, one day when she was 6 months old - before that i just think her bladder was not big enough.

Please don't call them anything less than Smart......... .........  Leave that to people who don't like Big Dogs.

Dufus - and with a name like this i should know.

Saint Bernard General Discussions / Re: Molly needs your prayer
« on: November 23, 2005, 08:13:55 am »
Hi there,

thanks for remembering our story :)

Actually, bit of a change of plan, and a bit of a problem.

I am in the UK doing a 3 month contract, Day-z is at home in her house being very spoiled at the moment.  She had her blood tested etc, etc but it turns out that her antibody level for the rabies agent is too low and so she needs to be have the rabies vaccination again and then be re-tested.  This may have to wait until i return at Christmas for a week.

The low antibody level is due to her being a young dog - apparently.

Good luck


Saint Bernard General Discussions / Re: Molly needs your prayer
« on: November 23, 2005, 06:06:23 am »
Well, if distance multiplies the prayer she will be OK.  I am in the UK at the moment and Day-z is in Miami, and we both send Molly our love.

Hopefully by now she is doing better.

I took Day-z for a walk once and she came running to me with a dead bird in her mouth, so am fairly sure she would eat anything.

Good luck guys

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