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Topics - mastiffmommy

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Anything Non-Dog Related / Jabas..... I am sooooo sorry hehehe NOIT
« on: July 26, 2005, 12:42:06 pm »
I am sure you know what I am taling about lol....... go have a look at the statistics hun..... I really should not say anything because you are like up my butt bit time. And by the time I click post here I am probably already behind you again, and now I have to go show the house for a interested family. Dang dang dang, and I was doing soooo good, maybe I should ask them to come back another day hehe


Anything Non-Dog Related / EVERYONE WITH KIDS - READ THIS
« on: July 26, 2005, 10:34:36 am »
So its been a scary morning here. One of Malins friends mom called me about 9 am, and asked if she could come over, she had something to talk about. I said yes sure, but wondered what it was she couldnt talk on the phone about.

She came and was all tore up. Her daughter came with and the kids went into Malins room. It appears that yesterday afternoon, her daughter, who is the same age as Malin (13) had gone out to the end of their driveway, to wait on a friend and her mom who were going to pick her up. A car had come, and she didnt think much of it, since she was waiting on her friend and she didnt know what kind of car they have. A man gets out and starts to drag/pull her into the car. She of course starts to scream and he puts his arm around her neck so she is almost suffercating. She was kicking and going crazy but of course that didnt help one bit, he was way too strong and had no problem overpowering her.

THANK GOD, two guys came on a motorcycle and straigh away realized the situation and stopped the bike and ran towards the car. I guess the man who was trying to get her into the car, realized he had no way of getting her in, before they were in his face. He threw her away and jumped into the car, it took off and almost ran one of the bike guys over. So there was two people in the car. One trying to get her in and one driving.

They live right around the corner from where we live, and this is a good area, we very seldom have any problems here, but obviously that is no help.

The girl is bruised and scared to hysteria. They have spent lots of time at the police both yesterday and today. And got the information that this is not the first attempt like this around here. They also told them, that we do have (as most places) sex offenders living everywhere and most of the times when they get a positive ID, it is a former sex offender.

I cant even imagine having to go through that. And I straight away pulled up a website I have had for quite some time, but stupidly enough hardly ever use. I will for sure check every area around here, I already did, and it scared the crap out of me.

It makes you realize though, just how fast it can happen and how much we have to look out for our children, even when they get to be a bit older, and we think we "have to" give them a bit more freedom.

Please check this link out and look up your area and see what creeps you have living near you, so you at least know and can act accordingly.


Okay, so to make sure you see it, I had to make it a separate topic lol.....

I said it in Nickers.... thread about her mojos too.

Weeeeee dont hate you lol....... we have missed you lots and been wondering where you have been. Speaking of which, where HAVE you been  ::)

I cant believe that we have three members who have been gone for so long, well now two when you are back. We should add that to the BPO rules though. That noone can leave without telling for how long and where to lol....

Good to have you back and dont ever say something like that again, I got all sad  :-*


Anything Non-Dog Related / THIS IS TOOOOO HOT FOR ME......
« on: July 25, 2005, 04:04:15 pm »
So you all know I am an imported Viking right.....? Used to cooler climat and feeeet of snow in the winter. Today the themometer say 104 here, that is a place that has been in the shade all day. They said on the local weather that with the heatindex it was 115.

The kids and I were out in the pool, I was about to have a heat stroke, the humidity is horrible. When we were out there, Chris came home and said, someone is here to look at the house (our rental)

Have any of you ever tried to look sofisticated with hair that is wet, not from swimming, but from sweat? face looking like someone boiled you and forgot to remove the make up first. And every single sweat gland in your body working over time. I would be surprised if they decide to rent, I think I scared them away lol.....

The dogs are confiscating the cool air from the AC, I keep pushing them away from the vents, only to see them back there 5 min later. We keep it about 70 in here, but after you have been out, even that seems too hot, to be able to cool down. I dont miss Sweden often but ohhhhh gosh..... this is toooooo hot.


Anything Non-Dog Related / I want to keep the kittens
« on: July 25, 2005, 09:50:10 am »
So you all read about the cat family I took in and foster. Well I have fallen in love. Mama cat is getting sooooo affectionat, she purrs and love every sec. of attention. AND she eats like a horse, she has put on 1,5 lbs since last wednesday. She is a very small cat, and was very skinny so 1,5 lbs is more than it sound like ( not like me, I can put on 2 lbs in an hour lol)

The 4 babies are the cutest, Galahad is their new daddy hehe. They stoke around his legs, kiss him and purr as soon as they see him, he loves them too. Funny how he (who is a baby himself) musf sense that they are babies, he is soooo much more gentle with them, than he is with Trouble our cat. Mama cat is not too impressed by him, not any of our dogs really, but she doesnt run, I just dont let them go up to her, so she has to feel threatened.

The problem is I am in love and want to keep them all, hubby is allergic and says nooooo way. I have to come up with a plan to camuflage my intentions and stall and hope he falls in love too and wont fuss too much when I drop on him that I want to keep all 5 of them.

any ideas anyone


Anything Non-Dog Related / I AM HAVING BOARD PROBLEMS
« on: July 25, 2005, 09:19:53 am »
So I was going to post about the fact that I can not see any pictures, all the pics in the posts come up as links and when I try to click them, the page "can not find the page" or whatever it say comes up. I have several people avatars I can not see.

When I was going to post on the general board about it, just now. I got up that I had to sign in again, I did and when I am on the board I am signed in, but as soon as I click on "post on general board" I get the sign in page again and am "guest" on top of page.

Am I the only one having problems or are we having some booboos on the board


General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / HERE IS YOUR MOJO NICKER
« on: July 24, 2005, 11:29:05 am »

Okay, so I saw a mojo, and thought I was going to link you to that one, then I started to look at all the others and well sucker as I am, I couldnt choose one to post. So I post the whole site lol..... Alllllllllll these guys and girls are within 50 miles from you, so hahahaha no worries about getting them. Gosh I am sooooo looking forward to  almost having a mojo, I will do it through you nicki, and you will have to create a blog or something so we all can follow our newest member hehe


Ps. I must be a sucker, because after reading on "angels on deathrow" and having checked all the little ones out that are up for adoption, I kinda know where you are coming from. BUT pleeeeeaaaaazz zzzeeeee dont tell anyone, my reputation would be totally ruined hehe


I found something for you Nicki.


Anything Non-Dog Related / Nighty night girls
« on: July 22, 2005, 12:22:13 am »
The girls here are finally in bed, not saying they are asleep lol..... but in bed. I am totally pooped out and cant wait to put my head on pillow, if Galahad decides to share it with me that is.

I have cramps in my fingers, have gone cross eyed and have blisters on my butt from sitting here so much today. BUT Jabas....... I am right up your behind now lol....... I am post happy and I will take back my posting queen position hahahaha

nooooo dont tell her, she might start to post like crazy if she knows I am after the title shhhhyyyyy.... .

I have to go to bed now though, sleep tight and see ya all tomorrow

Nighty night and huggs


Anything Non-Dog Related / Going a little picture crazy here lol....
« on: July 21, 2005, 08:09:14 pm »
I guess I am getting nostalgic or whatever you want to call it. A couple of days ago when I started to look for Buffy pictures I brought out all my pics, tons of them. Now I cant stop going through them, and certain pics really makes me miss dogs, horses or cats I have had.

One thing I really realized that I miss, more than I have been allowing myself to think, is my horses, where we live now I have no way of having them, but if you get your first horse when you are like 6 years old and have them for 30 some odd years, well you will miss it when you cant have it no more.

Here is  one of my Arabian stallions, he was a beauty but a handful, made a better show horse than show jumper, but I guess they cant have it all.


So most of you, have probably read about my SIL and how she does NOT take care of her dogs. I even called the animal control and had the cops go out to her house. Apperently they gave her a certain time to have the doog groomed and to fix the pen it was kept in, so it could actually move around and to have shelter for wind, rain and sun.

Going through old pics, I found pics of her last dog (who is no longer with us) after begging her long enough, she let me groom the poor thing, I dont know if you can tell from the pics, but the whole dog was a big mat, couldnt even get in with clippers had to use scissors to open a spot first.

The dog she has now is even worse, but she wont let me groom, I have no idea why, or why in the world she has dogs at all for that matter.


Great Dane Pictures / Malin and Zorro
« on: July 21, 2005, 04:43:18 pm »
Well on my hunt for pics of Buffy, I found so many old dog, cat and horse pics. I may go a little pic crazy here for awile lol.....

This is my dane boy Zorro and Malin when she was about 1 year old, poor Zorro has his ears all "curled" up on the pic, so he looks a bit like a big dork, he was a sweetheart though, especially when he snuggled with the christmas tree in the couch lol....


Anything Non-Dog Related / Toilet issue in the grocery store
« on: July 21, 2005, 03:43:17 pm »
So we have had posts here about our dogs drinking out off the toilet. Galahad loves it, has no idea why he should drink out off his dish when he can get nice cold water from his very own big nice clean self filling bowl.

So the other day when we went to the grocery store, Malin picked up one of them toilet deo thingies, that you hang in the toilet. She said ohhhh it smells good, can we get them for the bathrooms, I turned around to her and said "nooooo we are drinking from the toilet, remember" When I turned around again, there was this elderly couple, real professional dressed and with a totally discusted look in their faces hahahahahaha I am sure they though I had my poor skin kids drinking from the toilet. I could have explained it to them, but I must be a sick person, because it gave me a kick to see the look on their faces lol......


Anything Non-Dog Related / Going a little insane here.......
« on: July 21, 2005, 03:26:27 pm »
So anyone wanna come rescue me....... I am pulling my hair, grinding my teeth and am looking deep in the valium bottle lol....

I have my three kids here, as if thats not enough teenage hormons, Malin has two friends over. Ever had three 13-14 year old girls in the same house? ouch....... Jennifer has a friend over too, and them two are doing the most of trying to aggrevate the older girls hehe.

Then add the mama cat, the 4 kittens, my own cat, my 3 dogs, the parrot and the two degus AND an upset husband. He is now in the house we are renting out (good for him it is not yet rented lol...) He says I wont be seing much of him this eve. he will need something much stronger than valium to deal with this house today.


Anything Non-Dog Related / PICS OF MY NEW FOSTER KITTENS
« on: July 21, 2005, 01:21:36 pm »
Earlier today we tood the babies out, they have lived outside all their short life, so they really dont like being indoors. We brought paperbowls with water and food with, so they can eat as soon as they get hungry, they need all the strength they can get.

We went to the back yard and they found a "playground" we stayed there for awhile until they looked like a nap was coming on.

Here are a few pics of them, are they not the cutest?.... Anyone need a cat?


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